Showing posts with label Dukhi Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dukhi Poetry. Show all posts

Dukhi Poetry | Payar Ka Gham | 2024


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ﮐﻮﺷﺶ ﺗﻮ ﮐﺮ ﺭﮨﺎ ﺗﮭﺎ ﮐﺴﯽ ﮐﻮ ﺧﺒﺮ ﻧﮧ ﮨﻮ 

ﭼﮩﺮﮦ ﺑﺘﺎ ﺭﮨﺎ ﮨﮯ ﮐﮧ ﺳﺐ ﮐﭽﮫ گنوا ﺩﯾﺎ

No one knows that you are trying

The face is telling that everything has been lost

कोई नहीं जानता कि आप प्रयास कर रहे हैं

चेहरा बता रहा है कि सब कुछ खत्म हो गया है

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بھرم رکھ لیا میرے چہرے کی مسکان نے میرا

وہ دیکھنے آیا تھا کے کس حال میں ہوں میں

The smile on my face took me by surprise

He came to see how I am

मेरे चेहरे की मुस्कान ने मुझे आश्चर्यचकित कर दिया

वह यह देखने आया था कि मैं कैसा हूँ

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اے دل توڑ کر جانے والے ذرا اتنا تو بتا

یہ سزا پیار کرنے کی ہے یہ وفا کرنے کی

O you who are going to break your heart, just tell me this much

This punishment is to love, this is to be faithful

ओ कि दिल को यह बताने के लिए इतना टूटा हुआ है कि इसे दंडित किया जाए

gham poetry, gham poetry in urdu, urdu poetry gham, aur bhi gham hain zamane mein poetry, gham e zindagi teri raah mein poetry, lambi hai gham ki shaam poetry in urdu, ghani okhwaro dase gham poetry, shab e gham ki sahar nahi hoti poetry in urdu, shab e gham poetry, gham e ali poetry, gham e hussain poetry, allama iqbal poetry gham e hussain, gham e aashiqui tera shukriya poetry, gham e dil poetry, gham e hayat poetry, gham e ishq poetry, gham e jana poetry, gham e rozgar poetry, gham e yaar poetry, gham poetry 2 lines, gham poetry sms in urdu, gham zada poetry, pashto gham poetry, ay gham e dost poetry, da gham khanda poetry, dastan e gham poetry, dunya k gham poetry, gham bhula don ga tera poetry, gham e ashiqi poetry in urdu,

رابطے توڑ گیا وہ سبھی جاتے جاتے

ملنے کا موقع بھی نہیں دیا جاتے جاتے

Contact was broken, they all went away

They are not even given a chance to meet

सम्पर्क टूट गया, वे सब चले गये

उन्हें मिलने तक का मौका नहीं दिया जाता

gham poetry, gham poetry in urdu, urdu poetry gham, aur bhi gham hain zamane mein poetry, gham e zindagi teri raah mein poetry, lambi hai gham ki shaam poetry in urdu, ghani okhwaro dase gham poetry, shab e gham ki sahar nahi hoti poetry in urdu, shab e gham poetry, gham e ali poetry, gham e hussain poetry, allama iqbal poetry gham e hussain, gham e aashiqui tera shukriya poetry, gham e dil poetry, gham e hayat poetry, gham e ishq poetry, gham e jana poetry, gham e rozgar poetry, gham e yaar poetry, gham poetry 2 lines, gham poetry sms in urdu, gham zada poetry, pashto gham poetry, ay gham e dost poetry, da gham khanda poetry, dastan e gham poetry, dunya k gham poetry, gham bhula don ga tera poetry, gham e ashiqi poetry in urdu,

ذرا سی دیر میں اترے گا جب خمار جہاں 

‏اس ایک شخص نے بے حد پکارنا ہے مجھے

It will come down in a little while when the hangover is over This one person has to call out to me

हैंगओवर खत्म होने पर थोड़ी देर में यह उतर जाएगा इसी एक को मुझे पुकारना है

gham poetry, gham poetry in urdu, urdu poetry gham, aur bhi gham hain zamane mein poetry, gham e zindagi teri raah mein poetry, lambi hai gham ki shaam poetry in urdu, ghani okhwaro dase gham poetry, shab e gham ki sahar nahi hoti poetry in urdu, shab e gham poetry, gham e ali poetry, gham e hussain poetry, allama iqbal poetry gham e hussain, gham e aashiqui tera shukriya poetry, gham e dil poetry, gham e hayat poetry, gham e ishq poetry, gham e jana poetry, gham e rozgar poetry, gham e yaar poetry, gham poetry 2 lines, gham poetry sms in urdu, gham zada poetry, pashto gham poetry, ay gham e dost poetry, da gham khanda poetry, dastan e gham poetry, dunya k gham poetry, gham bhula don ga tera poetry, gham e ashiqi poetry in urdu,

مت پوچھو کیسے گزرتا ہے ہر پل تیرے بنا 

کبھی بات کرنے کی حسرت کبھی دیکھنے کی تمنا

Don't ask how every bridge passes because of you Sometimes longing to talk, sometimes longing to see

यह मत पूछो कि हर पुल तुम्हारे कारण कैसे गुजरता है कभी बात करने की चाहत, कभी देखने की चाहत

gham poetry, gham poetry in urdu, urdu poetry gham, aur bhi gham hain zamane mein poetry, gham e zindagi teri raah mein poetry, lambi hai gham ki shaam poetry in urdu, ghani okhwaro dase gham poetry, shab e gham ki sahar nahi hoti poetry in urdu, shab e gham poetry, gham e ali poetry, gham e hussain poetry, allama iqbal poetry gham e hussain, gham e aashiqui tera shukriya poetry, gham e dil poetry, gham e hayat poetry, gham e ishq poetry, gham e jana poetry, gham e rozgar poetry, gham e yaar poetry, gham poetry 2 lines, gham poetry sms in urdu, gham zada poetry, pashto gham poetry, ay gham e dost poetry, da gham khanda poetry, dastan e gham poetry, dunya k gham poetry, gham bhula don ga tera poetry, gham e ashiqi poetry in urdu,

تعلق ختم کرنے کا اختیار تھا ان کو بیشک

پر وہ جو بنا رہے تھے وہ بہانے عجیب تھے

Of course, they had the right to end the relationship But the excuses they were making were strange

बेशक, उन्हें रिश्ता ख़त्म करने का अधिकार था लेकिन वे जो बहाने बना रहे थे वे अजीब थे

gham poetry, gham poetry in urdu, urdu poetry gham, aur bhi gham hain zamane mein poetry, gham e zindagi teri raah mein poetry, lambi hai gham ki shaam poetry in urdu, ghani okhwaro dase gham poetry, shab e gham ki sahar nahi hoti poetry in urdu, shab e gham poetry, gham e ali poetry, gham e hussain poetry, allama iqbal poetry gham e hussain, gham e aashiqui tera shukriya poetry, gham e dil poetry, gham e hayat poetry, gham e ishq poetry, gham e jana poetry, gham e rozgar poetry, gham e yaar poetry, gham poetry 2 lines, gham poetry sms in urdu, gham zada poetry, pashto gham poetry, ay gham e dost poetry, da gham khanda poetry, dastan e gham poetry, dunya k gham poetry, gham bhula don ga tera poetry, gham e ashiqi poetry in urdu,

سب کچھ ٹوٹ جائے مگر وہ مان نہ ٹوٹے

جو آپ نے کسی پہ خود سے زیادہ کیا ہو

Everything should be broken, but that faith should not be broken What you have done to someone more than yourself

सब कुछ टूट जाना चाहिए, लेकिन वो विश्वास नहीं टूटना चाहिए आपने अपने से ज़्यादा किसी के साथ क्या किया है

gham poetry, gham poetry in urdu, urdu poetry gham, aur bhi gham hain zamane mein poetry, gham e zindagi teri raah mein poetry, lambi hai gham ki shaam poetry in urdu, ghani okhwaro dase gham poetry, shab e gham ki sahar nahi hoti poetry in urdu, shab e gham poetry, gham e ali poetry, gham e hussain poetry, allama iqbal poetry gham e hussain, gham e aashiqui tera shukriya poetry, gham e dil poetry, gham e hayat poetry, gham e ishq poetry, gham e jana poetry, gham e rozgar poetry, gham e yaar poetry, gham poetry 2 lines, gham poetry sms in urdu, gham zada poetry, pashto gham poetry, ay gham e dost poetry, da gham khanda poetry, dastan e gham poetry, dunya k gham poetry, gham bhula don ga tera poetry, gham e ashiqi poetry in urdu,

ہوا بھی ہو نمی بھی ہو بارش نہ ہو تو کیا فائدہ 

یار بھی ہو دید بھی ہو ملے نہ تو کیا فائدہ

Even if it is windy or humid, what is the use if there is no rain? Be it a friend, be it a friend or not, what is the use?

भले ही हवा हो या उमस, अगर बारिश नहीं हुई तो क्या फायदा? दोस्त हो या न हो, क्या फायदा?

gham poetry, gham poetry in urdu, urdu poetry gham, aur bhi gham hain zamane mein poetry, gham e zindagi teri raah mein poetry, lambi hai gham ki shaam poetry in urdu, ghani okhwaro dase gham poetry, shab e gham ki sahar nahi hoti poetry in urdu, shab e gham poetry, gham e ali poetry, gham e hussain poetry, allama iqbal poetry gham e hussain, gham e aashiqui tera shukriya poetry, gham e dil poetry, gham e hayat poetry, gham e ishq poetry, gham e jana poetry, gham e rozgar poetry, gham e yaar poetry, gham poetry 2 lines, gham poetry sms in urdu, gham zada poetry, pashto gham poetry, ay gham e dost poetry, da gham khanda poetry, dastan e gham poetry, dunya k gham poetry, gham bhula don ga tera poetry, gham e ashiqi poetry in urdu,

بہت دور جا چکی ہو تیرے در سے

 تیرا نام لوں تو بد نام 

 تجھے یاد کروں تو گناہکار

You have gone far from your door If I take your name, it will be a bad name If I remember you, I am a sinner

तुम अपने द्वार से बहुत दूर चले गये हो अगर मैं तुम्हारा नाम लूंगा तो बदनामी होगी अगर मैं तुम्हें याद करूँ तो मैं पापी हूँ